In a corporate setting sooner or later you will want to host your in-house Python packages on a private artifact store. We are using Poetry for our package management and using Google Cloud as our cloud provider, therefore Artifact Registry is our store of choice. However the combination of Poetry
with Artifact Registry
is not well documented, so I hope this post helps. Creating a private package repository on GCP itself is straightforward and I assume you already have created one. The focus of this post is authentication.
Publishing a Private Package
This is how you can publish a package to your private repository:
# Set the private repo as a global Poetry config
poetry config repositories.private-repo https://<REGION><PROJECT_ID>/<REPO_NAME>/
# Let's create a new Python package using Poetry
poetry new my_private_package
cd my_private_package
# We will use the http basic auth but our "password" is a GCP access token
# and our "user" is "oauth2accesstoken"
# See also here:
export POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_PYPI_USERNAME=oauth2accesstoken
export POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_PYPI_PASSWORD=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
# Publish this package to the private repo
poetry publish --build --repository private-repo
As you can see this is really simple, however it’s unintuitive and not well-documented that artifact registry uses basic auth headers for what is actually a bearer auth (see authentication schemes). Note that you will need to install the gcloud CLI to fetch an access token.
Adding a Private Package as Dependency
Now that we have published a package we can add it as dependency to other projects and/or packages. Just create a new project using Poetry and add your private repo as a supplemental source:
# Let's create a new Poetry project
poetry new myproject
cd myproject
# We add pypi as our primary source and our private repo as a supplemental source
poetry source add --priority=primary PyPI
poetry source add --priority=supplemental private-repo https://<REGION><PROJECT_ID>/<REPO_NAME>/simple/
# Authenticate
export POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_PYPI_USERNAME=oauth2accesstoken
export POETRY_HTTP_BASIC_PYPI_PASSWORD=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
poetry add --source private-repo my_private_package